
Possess The Land - Dr. Andrew Chong

Production Advisor: Dr. Andrew Chong

God has created Malaysia for His glory. He has given this land to His Son and to His bride as their inheritance. It is therefore up to the Church today to enter the land and take possession of our destiny.

Just as Abraham was commanded by God to walk through the length and breadth of the Promised Land before he could take possession of it, so also must believers in Malaysia walk the land God has placed us in, know the history and culture of this land and possess it through prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

I believe it is with this purpose in mind that The Provider Productions Bhd has set their heart to produce this series on the beauty, history and culture of our beloved nation. Through visualizing what God has given to us, and what has been done by God’s servants previously in this land, believers today can then arise and pray specifically for God’s kingdom to advance and be established in this beautiful land.

It has been a real joy and also a challenge to my faith to see how the team in The Provider Productions Bhd has sought to fulfil their God-mandated mission by giving the very best of their time, energy and resources, all the time being totally dependent on God to supply all their needs, as they look by faith in prayer to God for this monumental project.

With God as their only source of funds, they have indeed succeeded in producing a series on the nation and its states that is supremely breath-taking in its visual presentation, meticulous in its historical details of Christian mission in this land and heart-warming in its challenge to the Christian as to his call and duty to fulfil the Great Commission in this land through prayer and Spirit-led initiatives.

I therefore call upon all believers who have seen this series and enjoyed the fruit of their labour to stand with them in their call to stir up the Malaysian Church to pray and to build God’s kingdom in this land. If the Lord so touches you, I urge you to give generously of your finances to help them in their present and future endeavours for the kingdom of God. Be a partner with them in this glorious work of God.

To God be the glory for ever and ever.